Heiva: an exhilarating culture and sports competition of Oceania
Kiwis and Hawaiians compete against the Polynesians during Heiva Continue reading Heiva: an exhilarating culture and sports competition of Oceania
It’s not called Living the Dream for nothing! This is where, when and with whom we’ve done it with so far.
Kiwis and Hawaiians compete against the Polynesians during Heiva Continue reading Heiva: an exhilarating culture and sports competition of Oceania
We’re back on Enjoy, sweating on the hard, but the critical chores are complete. Tomorrow should be launch day! Continue reading What visitors don’t see when they sail with us
Your personal invitation to subscribe to my Captain Nez VIP Mailing List for author news, bonus scenes and other content. Continue reading Apology for this Blurring of our Worlds
We’re back on the move, sailing French Polynesia Continue reading Back in the saddle again
The best tikis on Niku Hiva Continue reading Taiohae’s intact tikis were impressive
Heiva celebrations were a feast for the eyes and ears in Tahiti and Niku Hiva Continue reading Heiva in Tahiti and the Marquesas
We made it to French Polynesia in 30 days! Continue reading Windlass broke just when we needed it but we made it to French Polynesia!
Never try to take down a Parasailor in 31 kts wind Continue reading 80% of the way observations
Fish killer While I’d love to fish more, we have completely full freezers with other proteins and veg, so I have to pace myself. We caught a small mahi mahi and were able to successfully pull the hook out and … Continue reading Fish killer, fruit & veg killer, 50% there & almost famous!
What is the connection between the equator and shellbacks? Traditional mariner lore (see great Naval History and Heritage Command blog here), is that a sailor is considered a Polywog until she crosses the line, eg the Equator. At that point, … Continue reading We just crossed the line, morphing from Polywogs to Shellbacks!