Windlass broke just when we needed it but we made it to French Polynesia!
We made it to French Polynesia in 30 days! Continue reading Windlass broke just when we needed it but we made it to French Polynesia!
We made it to French Polynesia in 30 days! Continue reading Windlass broke just when we needed it but we made it to French Polynesia!
Less than 12 hours to go, and we’re ready for land for sure. Continue reading Less than 8 hours left & sh*t happens
Never try to take down a Parasailor in 31 kts wind Continue reading 80% of the way observations
Emergency at sea; the boat was taking on water Continue reading Save a boat, win an award!
Fish killer While I’d love to fish more, we have completely full freezers with other proteins and veg, so I have to pace myself. We caught a small mahi mahi and were able to successfully pull the hook out and … Continue reading Fish killer, fruit & veg killer, 50% there & almost famous!
What is the connection between the equator and shellbacks? Traditional mariner lore (see great Naval History and Heritage Command blog here), is that a sailor is considered a Polywog until she crosses the line, eg the Equator. At that point, … Continue reading We just crossed the line, morphing from Polywogs to Shellbacks!
Engine troubles They say, a catamaran always has a full set of engine spares. Why? By default, we have a second engine, while most monohulls don’t. Often trawlers have a “get-home” engine, but not typically monohull sailboats. So, when we … Continue reading Dead engine, running 8 hours off course, and 20% of the way there
How to modernize your boat’s communications and safety equipment Continue reading Comms / Safety Equipment are a Chang’ing
Yes, we are leaving to go through the Panama Canal tomorrow! This time should be the charm; Don says if we return it’s a sign that we’re destined for the Mediterranean. It will be hard to say good by to … Continue reading Panama Canal Again – Tomorrow on Enjoy
Yes we are, or as well as we can be. What do we think you need to do when you get ready for a non-stop 3,000 mile passage? Passage planning While we intend to leave Panama from La Playita Marina, … Continue reading Ready for South Pacific Run Tomorrow?