Holidays, Dinghy Wheels, Poker Win, Maintenance & Canal PiX

Happy holidays & this girlz has new wheels

So, along with a wonderful Shelter Bay cruisers holiday pot-luck, for Chanukah, we finished our dinghy wheel project.

Apparently it’s a thing, that when you get to the Pacific side of Mexico, you’re dealing with up to 12 foot tides and rocky beaches. Think about dragging a 100 lb dinghy with another 100 lbs of engine, plus gear across 25 feet of rocky pebbles to tie up to a tree. So, we bought these used at a Seven Seas Cruising Association Gathering of Mariners (GAM) several years ago, and finally got to installing them. We epoxied 2x4s, painted them, and drilled twelve, yes, twelve holes into the dinghy transom. At some point, we’ll try to get new wheels, but we have something that works for now. 

Poker tournaments

We had time for two poker tournaments, with S/V Atticus, Ruby Vi, Dragonfly, and other cruisers. Out of about 16 players, Nina won the tournament the first time with Don in third, and Don came in third the second tournament. All in all, we made $150 from the two events and had hours of fun.

Maintenance work never ends

Other things we did while sitting out COVID-19 in Shelter Bay Marina include:

  • End for ending the anchor chain, lubricating it, cleaning out the anchor locker, and ….remembering to tie it back onto the boat
  • Provisioning for some time in the San Blas islands includes chopping and freezing fresh herbs for longer life, washing all veg down with hydrogen peroxide and water, and boxing food to limit weevil infestation should it occur

Canal measurements

We found two photos of our Panama Canal process, of having the boat measured and receiving the official number.

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