We’re coming home!

What is hurricane season anyway?

For cruisers, each boat insurance policy defines hurricane season differently.  Ours starts July 15 through November 1.  Currently, S/V Enjoy must be North of the Florida/Georgia line during hurricane season.  Yes, we could change that.  We could pay for a rider, stay somewhere pre-approved, and document our Hurricane Plan, but it Just Ain’t Worth It!

Beach golf! Don and I averagd 30!

Where to spend hurricane season?

After considering our options: transatlantic crossing to the Mediterranean for a season, heading through the Panama Canal to Mexico or further South, or exploring the East Coast, we opted for the latter.

Don serving drinks at the Chat and Chill 20th Anniversary party


Who weighed in?

Since we’re still not the black sheeps of the family, we are welcome back.  Phew! And, when talking with cruisers with thousands of miles under their belts, we’re advised If we Really want to see the South Pacific, since we cruised a bit of the Med in 2002-03, we should catch the Med on the flip side, and try the South Pacific first.

Nina and Marilyn at the Pirates party

What things were under consideration?

  • Weather:  The crossing from the Panama to Galapaos to the Marquesas in South Pacific has more predictable weather than a Transatlantic crossing. Higher comfort and safety points. 
  • Distance:  In my mind, it’s very roughly equivalent.  The Transatlantic crossing is typically broken into three segments:  Caribbean to Bermuda, Bermuda to Azores, Azores to Gibralter (3,200 nautical miles [NM]).  Crossing to the South Pacific can be either three segments:   Panama, Galapaos, Marquesas (3,000 NM) or two segments if we go direct from Mexico’s BaHa to the Marquesas.  The latter at 2,800 NM cuts a few days off the passage but then we miss the Galapagos sealife and might never get back!  A shorter run, the South Pacific gets higher points.
  • Cost:  cruising the South Pacific tends to be less costly than the Med because I can’t lay off of those capuccinos!  South Pacific will be better on the wallet and more importantly, the waistline.  
Hole in 2!

Friends and family

You are all welcome to consider joining us for a segment of sailing up or down the East Coast!  We’ll start heading up early April, stopping in places like St Augustine and Charleston. Due to some work travel, we’ll tie the boat up somewhere along the way (maybe the Cheseapeake).  Then, we’ll head North to Nantuckett at least, then leisurely heading South, hitting the Annapolis US Sailboat Show in October, and then onto warmer climates!

Then what?

Make our way with a goal towards the Panama Canal by 2019.IMG_20180217_115412597

0 thoughts on “We’re coming home!

  1. Good plan. It seems you’are leaving the BAHAMAS just when the FL folks go over there.We will drive NORTH in esarly May to reach OC beforeMEMORIAL Day. Spendi ng 10 days in NAPLES in early April. Hauling out for the hurricane first week in May at CHARLOTTE HARBOR BOAT STORAGE , camping enroute North

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