Eight Lagoon owners shared experiences

Hey everyone, let’s have a Lagoon get together!

Don came up with the bright idea of convening Lagoon owners on the Chat N Chill, Georgetown. While there are certainly topics that relevant to all catamaran owners, we thought it would be good to chat about ideas, mods, and issues specific to Lagoons.

Eight boats were represented

All told, eight boats attended: two 380s, two 421s (including us), a 420, a 440, a 450F, a 52, and someone in the market for a Lagoon. Boat ages ranged from 2003 to 2016.

Topics included a kegerator for carbonated water!

Of course, the first topic is always sail drives, but then segued quickly to the different modifications folks made. Being in the Bahamas, aftermarket watermaker installations are key, next arches and more solar power, with some adding and some removing generators!

Several owners have replaced trampolines and some rigging. We ended sharing point of sail trim experiences, and two owners happy with their parasail performance.

Lack of documentation

All of us shared the common frustration with Lagoon’s policy not to share electrical and plumbing schematics. There are some challenges to find discontinued parts as well.

Lagoon owners love their boats

Not surprisingly, everyone is quite happy with their boats’ safety and performance, although clearly some push the limits of sail performance more than others; not calling anyone out at all…

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